September 13 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Crank It Up! The Amazing Sock Knitting Machine Demonstration!
Crank It Up! The Amazing Sock Knitting Machine Demonstration!245 Mercer St.
Harmony, Pennsylvania 16037
If you have ever knitted a pair of socks, you know they take time. Consider having to knit ALL the socks needed by your family!
As long ago at the late 16th century, a mechanical knitting machine was developed to ease this arduous task.
Cabin Volunteer Diane McCrea has restored an antique sock knitting machine to working order. Come see this amazing machine in action. Turn the crank and watch the process to create beautiful socks.
---Socks by Diane available for purchase---
Demo at the Weavers' Cabin 11am - 3pm
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245 Mercer St. Harmony, PA 16037 (724) 591-3862 Website